Friday, 5 December 2014

#My Baby Brothers Birthday!!!

Today is my baby brothers birthday! His name is Darius and he just turned 4. We celebrated his birthday with my mum (Maggie), aunty (Ruisa) and uncle (Tere). Darius was born on December 4th which is also my nenas birthday, nena Rira. Sadly nena Rira had passed away on 6/9/2010, but nena Rira would have turned, 80. Both people that are having their birthdays today are both special to me.

Here are 5 facts about Darius:
1: He is sooo annoying.
2: He is very very very bossy.
3: He is very energetic.
4: He loves trucks, cars and motor bikes.
5: He loves helping my papa with the gardens.

So there are 5 facts about my adorable, hard to baby sit brother. Even though we fight alot and argue alot, at the end of the day, Darius is still my baby brother and I love him soooo much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!! I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SOOO MUCH!!!

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

#Smoothies!!! =)


As you all know I mentioned in my last blog that I had my friends Josephine and Iron over for the weekend.  What you might not know is that we made some really yummy smoothies.  I'm sorry for the delay but I made a movie about making the smoothies.  It took a lot of work and a little bit of ingredients but we got there.

We had a lot of fun making smoothies in my kitchen but less favorite part was cleaning the mess up afterwards. We decided to make smoothies because we were bored and thought that it would be easy to make and fun.  We got our ingredients from Why Knot, we had $6 each and got individual things.  Iron got two Vanilla ice creams Josephine got 3 drinks and Tiger sticks and I got chocolate sauce and bananas.

Here is a clip of how we made smoothies and it was a fun weekend.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

#My Awesome Weekend!

In the weekend i had my friends Josephine and Iron come over to my house. On Saturday we went to the Otara markets as well as Sylvia Park shopping Mall. The first thing we did was go to the Otara markets as we were there we saw a stage full of break dancers and then saw Vinnie from Shortland Street, his real name is Pua Magasiva.  We also saw KJ Apa and decided to take a photo.

Josephine and Iron were sooo excited but I didn't really want to take a picture. After we took a photo and watched a little bit of the break dancers we went to grab something to eat.  Me and Josephine had a steak and egg roll while Iron had a bacon and egg roll.  The steak and egg roll tasted soooo good!!

After the market we went to the WHY KNOT shop to get some things.  We got some ice cream, chocolate wafers and other ingredients because we decided to make smoothies.   When we returned home we made our smoothies.  In our smoothies we put slices of banana, 300ml of milk, 100ml of chocolate sauce and 4 tablespoons of ice cream into a blender.  It tasted beautiful.

After all of that we then dropped Josephine and Iron back to their homes after taking heaps of photos to share with you all.  I had a great weekend.

Hannah T signing off…….. BYE

#Tapa Design!! ^.~

For the past few weeks, my class and I were creating Island designs onto a piece of brown paper. The Island design we were contributing to make is called, a Tapa design. The Tapa design is from the Island, Tonga.

The materials you may need are:
1: Brown paper
2: A Pencil
3: Crayons (Black, Brown or Gold)
4: Brown Dye

I am going to tell you the 3 easy steps of how to make Tapa. First thing you need and do is, get a brown piece of paper and sketch your tongan design. Secondly, you get the crayons (Black, Brown and Gold) and colour in. The final step is, to dye your brown piece of paper. After you have done these three simple steps, your tapa is done!

If you have a group of friends or family attending to do this, you could make a big piece of tapa and have it on your wall to make a display. It’s a lot of fun to make!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

#Athletics Day ^-^ :)

Guess what day it is tomorrow? It's Athletics Day and I'm so excited.  I love athletics day, i love playing with my friends and sitting in the sun.  Athletics day is when all Pt England participate in an event that is held in our school fields.  All the students compete in different groups from their Years and genders.

For athletics day there are different kinds of activities we compete in.  The games are High Jump, 100m sprints, Javelin, Shot put and discus. My favorite sports are Shot put, discus and Javelin. The ones that I'm not so excited about are 100m sprints and high jump.

For each competition there is a ranking of first, second and third that go towards your House points and you go to compete in the Inter zone competition against heaps of schools.  This year I will be competing in Shot put, discus, Javelin and high jump.  At the end of the day we have relays for students, teachers and parents.  Sometimes these are funny and other times they can get really serious.

I'm in Te Arawa and we are REDZ!!!!! I don't really mind if we lose because Matatua House win every year.  All the best to all the students.

Hannah T signing outtt….. BYYYYYEEEE

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

#Maniakalani Film Festival!!! ^-^

Every year all maniakalani schools get together and contribute in an event that is called Maniakalni Film Festival. Maniakalani Film Festival is when all Manikalani schools make movies about anything! For each movie there are 2 presenters, so for my classes movie, Anamei and I are the presenters! I Can't wait!

My classes movie is about the quote "Your Attitude determains you altittude" This would be my second year presenting, as you might know I had presented last year with my friend Sela. I had alot of fun making our movie this year.

I can't wait to present in front of different schools. This video below is the movie we made last year for Maniakalani =p Embarrassing.

Friday, 7 November 2014

#Color Wheel!! =F

This here is a color wheel that I had created on goggle draw. I was learning about Primary colours, Tertiary colours and secondary colours. It was a lot of fun learning about them!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

#Going 2 The Museum!!! =)

A couple of days ago, the year 7’s went on a trip while the year 8’s had gone to camp. We went to the Museum. As you all know, the topic for this term is “ Art Attack” so we went to go and see the Pacific and Maori art gallery.

As soon as we got to the museum, we all scattered around the place in our little groups and with our elder leaders. I was with my friend Jennifer as well as other kids, our leader was Miss Paget. We also got a piece of paper that had activitys like, drawing a piece of art in the Pacific gallery or drawing a kowhaiwhai pattern in the maori gallery. The first section we went to was, the pacific gallery.

The pacific gallery was amazing. There were Cook Island patterns, Niuean patterns all kinds pacific patterns and they were just beautiful. The pattern I decided to draw was a niuean pattern. The next gallery we went to was the maori gallery.

We spent the whole day at the museum, and it was soo fun. My favourite part was going into the volcanic section. I finished my piece of paper by drawing a kowhaiwhai pattern from the marai.

Thursday, 30 October 2014

#Almost Is Never Enough!! =)

This video above is me singing a song just for you! Soooo sit back and relax and I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

#Volleyball!!! ^.~

Today I participated in a volleyball tournament. I wasn't in the original volleyball team, but because the yr 8's have gone to camp, they needed some more players .We had 8 players in total so there were 2 subs. We didn't have the chance to have trainings, so we had to quickly practice at school. While we practising, Miss Va'afusuga introduced us to our umpire from One Tree Hill. His name was Nigel.

The interzones were held in Henderson so we had to get to school early. Sadly, the traffic was sooo bad that we were driving 20 k/ph. While we were driving, the girls and I were playing Chinese whispers. We were soo hot, that we were all sweating.

When we finally got there, all 8 of us girls jumped out of the car and took a deep breathe in and out. As we were walking threw the doors, all we heard were kids shouting "Mine!" "Yours!" "Serve!" We were surprised because as soon as we got there, we went straight into our first game.

Our first opponents were, Howick Intermediate. They looked soo hard that all the girls were terrified. When the game started, we lost the challenge of rock paper scissors so they got to serve first. We were doing until the second halve.

At the end of the day we lost some games and won some games. But we didn't go with our heads down. Kegeley came third, Manurewa came second and Viscount came first. We can't wait until next year.

HannahT signing out - Ba!

Monday, 20 October 2014

#My Avatar!! ^-*

All the students in my class had to draw an avatar. My avatar explains some things about me. So the red shirt (My uniform) on the right explains my school and my education at Point England School. The M&M explains how a have the most biggest sweet tooth ever and last but not least, elmo explains my child hood and how I loved watching Elmo. The reason why my Avatar is all red, is because my house colour is Te Arawa (Red)

HannahT sining out - Fa!

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

#Niuean Language Week 2 & 3! =D

As you all know, this week is Niuean language week! I was suppost to blog every day this week, but I sadly failed ='( So I am sorry but I will be combinding part 2 and 3 together for this blog post. Today I will be writing 5 sentences about me in Niuean!

My 5 sentences:

Fakalofalahiatu ko ingoa hako ko Hannah - Hello my name is Hannah

Koe tau haku hongo fulu ma u'a - I am 12 years old

Matua haku koa Rob Tiniteila - Taniue - My dads name is Rob Tiniteila - Taniue

Matua fefeine haku koa Rite Tetini - Luatutu - My mums name is Rite Tetini - Luatutu

Matua fefine haku koa Mona Lisa Fataeke - Tiniteila - My nana's name is Mona Lisa Fataeke - Tiniteila

Hello my name is Hannah. I am 12 years old. My dads name is Rob Tiniteila - Taniue. My mums name is Rite Tetini - Luatutu. My nana's name is Mona Lisa Fataeke - Tiniteila.

Fakalofalahiatu ko ingoa hako ko Hannah. Koe tau haku hongo fulu ma u'a. Matua haku koa  Rob Tiniteila - Taniue. Matua fefeine haku koa Rite Tetini - Luatutu. Matua fefine haku koa Mona Lisa Fataeke - Tiniteila

Hannaht signing out - Koe Kia fakaoelahi kia matulu osi! (Good bye thank you)


Monday, 13 October 2014

#Niuean Language Week! *-*

This week is Niuean language week and I am going to be teaching you some Niuean facts and Niuean words. I am Niuean myself, I am from the village Alofi. I am going to be writting a blogpost everyday of this week about Niuean Language week. I am going to start with some facts about Niue.

5 Facts about Niue:
1. Did you know that English and Niuean is the most spoken languages in Niue.
2. Did you know that Niue has 10 villages?
3. Did you know that more Niueans live in New Zealand than in Niue?
4. Did  you know while most Niueans live in New Zealand, there are only 1500 Niuans living in Nuie? Counting up every person from every village.
5. Did you know that you can drive around Niue in less than a day?

More to come... HannahT signing out - koe kia (Goodbye in Niuean)

Sunday, 28 September 2014

#Go'in Town ;)

I went to all kinds of places today with my parents.the Auckland library, IMAX entertainment, the sensory odyssey maze and finally to my nana and papas house to celebrate my aunty and uncles birthday.

The first thing we did, was go to the Auckland library in the city. My dad had to pick some books up from the Auckland library, so then I chose a book that really caught my eye.  The front page of the book was a picture of a few babies dressed up as flowers and the author of the book was Anne Geddes who is a photographer.  The book was about how she became a photographer.

After the library we went to grab something to eat which was at IMAX entertainment centre. I had buttered chicken while my mum had pizza and my dad had Thai. After eating we went to an ice cream shop and i got two scoops of ice cream which were mango and walnut & butterscotch. Mango didn't taste like mango but butterscotch was sooooo nice. 

While we we're eating our ice creams we walked past this activity place which is called Odyssey Maze. It looked really cool so we gave it a try. We had to put our bags, take our shoes off and our phones away. We also had to put on white gloves. It was awesome, my highlight was the dark spaces because we couldn't see anything and I was a little scared so we had to feel our way through the maze. After a while we got out of the maze but after we saw some cool laser lights. I didn't want this time to end.

After our trip to the icy we went to my nanas house to celebrate my aunty and uncles birthday. I had a great time with my family especially taking selfies. My favourite was my Uncle Nicko taking selfies with Bernie... He's our chicken that stays at my nanas house. 

I'm now at home packing all my stuff because tomorrow I'M GOING TO RIVERSIDE CAMP!!!

HannahT signing out - bye!

Thursday, 18 September 2014


Algorithm from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.
This is what I had created on Explain Everything. It is about what strategy we learn't this week.

Friday, 12 September 2014

#Food Tec! ^-^

Every Tuesdays, classes 1, 3 and 5 go to Tamaki College for tec. Tamaki College is the only college that is included in the Maniakalani learning program, so Tamaki College really helps all primary schools that are in Maniakalani. So one of the things that they do with us is, tec.

Tec has 3 different classes that are, food, hard materials and designs. The class that I am in now is the very class that I will be in for this year. I'm in cooking, my teachers name is Miss Heka, and she is soo funny. Today was my very first day with her and I was super excited.

We cooked enchiladas, we had to get into groups of three and the girls didn't want to go with the boys so most of the girl groups were in twos but Miss Heka thought it was fine. One of the girl groups were myself and Mao. Mao is one of my best friends, so I was happy for who I got.

My highlight was doing the dishes =D I can't wait to go again. I hope we cook something nice again.

HannahT signing out - bye!

#My Art Movie!! =)

This video here is what I created on Imovie. It is about my art work I had drawn and painted. We were inspired by Warren Pohatu.

Thursday, 11 September 2014

#Cross Country ~.~

Why, why does today have to be cross country? I hate cross country, nearly everyone does, but of course i'm still going. I'm going to be cheering for the awesomest team ever, TE ARAWA (Red)! Our team captins are, Anthony and Anamei. We haven't been winning for a couple of years, but hopefully we win this year. Matatua (Green) have been winning for a very long time, so we have to beat them! I'm feeling excited and tired, but at least it'll be over and done with.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

#Whizz -.-

For maths homework today, I had to play whizz for 15 minutes. I did more than 15 minutes, I had played on whizz for 1 hour and 15 minutes! That has been my highest ever! But the only thing is, when I got out of whizz and went back on, all my credits had deleted! I was soooo angry. I couldn't bother playing all the games again. My highlight was challenging one of my friends and tieing with them!! 

HannahT signing out.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

#Typing Test =)

Today for homework, I have been playing 10 Fast Fingers. I haven't played 10.F.F for a very long time. So I quickly played it and I didn't beat my highest score ='(. The next time I play it, I will not get a word wrong and do it under my fastest time. My highlight was nearly getting to my high score -.- If you would like to give 10 Fast Fingers a try, click this link....=D

#Collapsing Apartment In Paris :'(

French firemen search in the rubble of a building after an explosion collapsed it, in Rosny-sous-Bois, outside Paris. Photo / AP

On the 31st of August, an apartment in Paris had collapsed. The accident had happened by a deadly explosion that was in the city. The apartment was a four story building. People say that the explosion was made by a gas leak, but it has not yet to be confirmed.

Four people had died in the accident, an eighty year old woman, a eight year old child and two women. Twelve people had survived by fire fighters pulling them from underneath the after math. A neighbour had pulled a child out and she said "He was protected by a mattress and a block of concrete above his head" Police are still investigating what made the explosion.

I got my details and my article from the New Zealand Hearld. If you would like to read some articles here is the link. HERE!

Here are 3 facts about the explosion:
1: Not only did the explosion hurt people, it damaged homes, shops and cars.
2: Other neighbours around the area helped to pull people out before the police and ambulance came.
3: Police also found 2 residents alive under debris.

Monday, 1 September 2014

#My Fav Song, Actress, Singer and Sports Person!!

This is a really old song, but I still love it! This song is called "Stay" sang by Rihanna ft Mikky Ekko. This song was really popular when it first came out, but now you don't hear it on the radio any more ='( The reason why I like this song because its really catchy and I love Rihannas singing. My highlight of this song is when Rihanna sings her part.


My favourite actor is, Adam Sandler. Adam Sandler is soooo awesome. I love his movies, his singing and his jokes. The thing I like about Adam Sandler is that he can play any character, a funny character, a serious character or a weird character. I love acting, so he really inspires me. My favourite movie of his is, Jack and Jill. The reason why I like the movie Jack and Jill is because he acts as two people in one movie.

My fav singer has to be, Adele. Adele has the best voice ever (As well as Beyonce). She has won 98 awards from 183 nominations. I love Adele because she has a stunning voice and she has the most coolest hair ever ^o^ My favourite song she had made is called "Someone Like You" I like this song because of the lyrics and the piano that is playing in the background. Adele really inspires me because I love to sing.

Casey Kopua is my favourite sports person by far. Casey Kopua plays netball for the silver ferns. I play the same position as her (GK) so she really inspires me. Casey Kopua is really good at intercepting passes. When ever you see someone passing the ball to their team mate, Casey just comes out of no where and intercepts the pass. Thats how awesome she is! When ever I watch a silver ferns game, all I can see is her jumping like shes on a trampoline =D

Hope you enjoyed reading all my favourite things =)

HannahT signing out - laterz!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

#Last Netball Game :'(

For the past few months, I have been playing netball for my school. Every Tuesdays, I would have a netball game. I was in the year 7 team 2 roses. I was with my friends, Josephine, Lesieli, Quasia and Ana. The position I play is, GK (Goal Keep)

We were in grade C1, then we got moved to B2. We were winning all our games until we moved a grade. At the time, we won 3, drew 1 and lost 1 When we were moved to the B grade, we were struggling a lot, but we got there at the end.

At our last game, we had a lot of supporters. I was on first, second and third quarter, and on the fourth quarter, Rave was GK. We were challenging, ASJ Starlings (A netball club) and we really wanted to win against them. After the game, the scores were muddled up because one umpire said that we won and the other said that they won, but the actual winners were their team.

At the end of the day, we had a great season and came 4th out of 10 teams. My highlight of the season was meeting new people and playing with my close friend, Josephine. Hopefully I will be playing with the same girls next year ^-^

HannahT signing out - Bye!

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

#Using multiplication and division to solve "Part Unknown" Problems (without diagrams) =D

This presentation is about my maths strategies I was working on this week. I created it on Google Drive. Enjoy =*

Monday, 25 August 2014

#100th Blog Post *o* (OMG!)

For this blogpost,  i created a little video for you. I hope you enjoy watching it! Happy 100th Blog Post Blog ~.^ (Excuse the facials and the part at the end of the song....FLAT!)

Sunday, 24 August 2014

#Lauging Samoans ='D

During the weekend I've been doing a lot of things, I went to my dads house, I went to go see my nana and my aunties, I went to go see my little sister and lastly, I went to watch the concert of the laughing samoans. As soon as my dad told me I was going to watch the laughing samoans, I was soo shocked because I've never been to one of their shows. The concert was held in Takapuna.

Before we left to go to the concert, we had to stop off at church. I went with my family including my sister. While we were driving, we were talking about what performances we really want to watch and the characters we wanted to see them play.

As soon as we got there, we saw a lot of cars parked on the road, on the grass and of course in the car park.When we got there we got our tickets. We saw a lot of people getting ready for the doors to open. The concert was about to start and my family and I were sitting up stairs where you could see everybody.

Straight after we got our tickets, the doors opened so we quickly walked in and sat down with 3 minutes to spare. While we were waiting, my Aunty went to go and get some water for us. When she got back, the lights dimmed and everybody started to scream.

The first character Tofiga played was Aunty Tala. Everyone knows of Aunty Tala because everyone loves her, so as soon as she started talking, everyone screamed really loud. It was so loud, that my little sister had to cover her ears.

There were 12 plays in total and we watched all 12 of them. At the end of the day, we went home late (12 o'clock) and I stayed up until 4:00 talking with my cousin. Thanks for reading ^-^

HannahT signing out - Vinaka

Friday, 22 August 2014

#Colours!! ^-^

For the past couple of days, my class and I have been learning about, primary colours, secondary colours and tertiary Colours. We have also learn’t about warm and cool
colours. First i'm going to be talking about primary colours...

The primary colours are, blue, yellow and red. If you mix, two colours at the same time, you would get secondary colours. Primary colours are really important because they can make secondary colours.

Secondary colours are, green, violet and orange. To make green you would have to add, blue + yellow together. To make violet you would have to add, blue + red together. Finally, to make orange you would have to add, red + yellow together.

Tertiary colours are made up with a primary colour and a secondary colour together. The tertiary colours are, light green, dark green, dark purple, light purple, dark orange and gold. To make light green you mix, Yellow + green, it’ll make light green. To make, dark green you would have to add, blue + green. To make dark purple, you would need to mix, blue + violet. To make light purple, you would have to mix, red + violet. To make dark orange you have to mix, red + orange together. Finally, to make gold, you add orange and yellow together.

I have been learning about a lot of colours, that I know what colours to mix, what colours are in the secondary colours, primary colours and tertiary colours. I hope you have learn't a lot about colours.

HannahT signing out - Lovvee Yalll

#Netball!! -.-

All day today, I went to a tournament. The sport I played was, netball. Netball is my favourite sport to play, so I was really excited. A couple of weeks ago, we had a tournament and came second, so this was the final tournament. There were 14 teams of girls in each pool. The position I played was Goal Keep.

As soon as we got to the courts, all we heard was a lady speaking threw the speaker explaining where everything was, what we had to do if someone got hurt badly and how many minutes there were in each half. The halves were 11 minutes long with 2 minute breaks.

Our first game was a friendly game, because one of the teams we were playing were late. We played Kedgley, they were really hard. I had to share my position with my friend Iron. So I went first halve and Iron went second halve. At the end of the game, we lost by 3. We were all disappointed, but we still remembered that, that game was friendly, so it didn't count. 

The next game was a lot harder because, they didn't look like year 7's they looked like year 9's. For the second game, Iron went first halve and I went second halve. I played better on the first game then I did on the second game.

At the end of the day, we came lost all our games and came 12th. Holy Cross came 2nd and Kedgley came 1st. My highlight was having lunch and a drink of water.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

#Typing Test =) =) =) =D

Today is the day that I have finally beaten my highest score for Typing Test! I was so happy that I was screaming with my pukana eyes. Now I would have to beat 39 (WPM) to beat my highest score. If you beat my score (and your under 12) comment below and tell me how much you got. Here is the link.... Typing Test.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

#Throw Back!!! =D

As I was scrolling threw some old videos in vimeo, I saw a video that looked very similar to the one I did a couple of years ago. As soon as I watched it, I was surprised because it was on vimeo for quite a while. In this video I was a year 5 in Miss Kings class (Room 13)

I am superrrrr embarrassed when I saw me dancing really hard and lip syncing. I was laughing because I saw some of my friends lip syncing hard. My favourite part was watching Jennifer Lip sync. HILARIOUS!!!!

HannahT signing out - Ariohs Amegos.

#Whizz!! *.*

For my maths homework today, I am played Math Whizz. If you don't know what Math Whizz is click on this link: HERE! If you do know what the program is, keep on reading. The game I am on at the moment in tutor mode, includes subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. I am really struggling on the questions, so that means I get a low score. I am now coming 3rd out of all my friends so that means I have to play more to get better. My highlight was trying to beat IronT but she was just to HARD!

HannahT signing out - Cherrio

#How 2 Play Netball!!

Have you heard of a sport called Netball? Well if you haven’t, keep on reading. My name is Hannah and I am going to explain every detail of the game.  

A netball court is divided into three parts. The three parts includes two Goal thirds and one Centre third. At the end of both sides, there are semicircle markings, in the centre third there is a small full circle marking. At both ends of the court there is a goal post that is 10 feet long.

There are two teams that play against each other.  There are 7 players in each team so in total there should be 14 players on court. The 7 positions are broken up into defense and attacks. Goal Shoot (GS), Goal keep (GK), Goal Attack(GA), Goal Defense (GD), Wing Defense (WD), Wing Attack (WA) and Center (C).

This diagram tells you what positions there are in each team. The diagram also tells you which position each player will partner with for example in the red Goal Third the GS is in the red team and partners with GK from the blue team.

GS & GK: Are allowed in the Goal circle and in their goal third. They are not allowed to enter into the centre third
WA & WD: Are allowed in the attacks Goal Third and the centre third but they are not allowed to go into the opponents goal third.
GA & GD: Are allowed in the attacks Goal circle, Goal Third and Centre third but they are not allowed to go into the other Goal Third.
C: The centre position is allowed to go anywhere in the Court except for the Goal circle.
Attacks: GS, GA, WA & C
The attacks priority is to pass the ball to the shooters (GS & GA) to get a goal.

Defense: GK, GD, WD & C
The defense priority is to stop their opponents to shoot a goal.

Each game is four quarters with a time of 10minutes per quarter.

1. Each quarter starts off with a centre pass
2. No stepping - the foot that you ground when receiving the ball you can’t lift and ground again.
3. Replay ball - You can’t double bounce the ball with your hand
4. Contact - You can’t hit or push your partner purposely

5. Obstruction - Is called when you are less then three feet and their defending the partner

Friday, 8 August 2014

#Cook Island Language Week Part 3!!!

As you all know it's Cook Island Language week. Until Cook Island Week finishes, I will be giving you some Cook Island sentences about me and I will be translating the English way of saying it. I will continue with the paragraph I posted yesterday. My second post....Here!

Cook Island Way: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.

English Way: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School.

Here are the sentences...

Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au - I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan.

Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii - My teachers name is Jo Paget.

E mataiti etu toku ite apii - I am a year 7.

Put it all together it will make this.....

Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au.Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii. E mataiti etu toku ite apii.

Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School.  I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan.  My teachers name is Jo Paget.  I am a year 7.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

#Cook Island Language Week Part 2!!

As you all know it's Cook Island Language week. For the next couple of days, I will be giving you some Cook Island words and I will be translating the English way of say it I will continue with the paragraph that I posted a couple of days ago. My first post...Part 1!!.

Cook Island Saying: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.

English Saying: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.

E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti - I am 12 years old.

E rua oku teina e tai tungane - I have 2 sisters and 1 brother

E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School - I go to Point England School.

Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School 

#Putting A Tidy Number Into A Whole Number!!

WALT: I am learning to solve subtraction problems with tenths by changing the second number into a whole number.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

#Cook Island Language Week!

Do you know what week it is?
It is Cook Island Language Week 'Te Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani!
So from now until this Friday, I will be giving you facts and a few Cook Island words and the translation in English.

Kia Orana - Hello.

Pee'a Koe - How Are You?

Toku ingoa ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini- Luatutu.  My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu.

Koai toou ingoa - What's Your Name?

Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa o toku Mama Ruau - Haumata  Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother.

Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruau - Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.

Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.

Koai toou ingoa?

#Math DLO!!!

This here is a presentation I created in Google drive >.<

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

#Favourite Commonwealth Sport!!

One of my favourite events from the Commonwealth Games is Netball. The team that I'm supporting is the Silver Ferns from NZ. The Silver Ferns are in Pool A and are coming second place.  They have played 3 games and won all 3.  The team that is coming first is Jamaica.  Jamaica has played 4 and has won all four of their games.  New Zealand and Jamaica are having a game tomorrow at 11:30 (New Zealand Time) and I think that this will be an exciting game.

The second team I'm supporting is, South Africa. South Africa is coming third in Pool B and they have played 3 games, won two games and lost one. My favourite player from South Africa is Zanele Vimbela. The reason why Zanele Vimbela is my favourite player, because she's the same position as me which is GK and she is a really good defender. The next game they're having is at 9:30 (NZ time), and they are playing against Australia.

Hopefully, my two teams come first in both Pools.

HannahT signing out - Bahaha!

#Plant and Food Research =:=

Today, my class and I went into the street for some really special visitors. Their names were, Jacob, Laura and Lara.. They came to our school to teach us some scientific things about plants and food. We weren’t the only class that went, we also went with, class 3 and 4. When they finally got ready, we got into the first experiment.

First they needed, cabbage juice, vinegar and Mr Muscle. Laura was talking about how the purple cabbage will turn into different colours like, pink or dark green. The pink colour stood for acid, and the green colour, stood for base (basic) The first one we tested was the vinegar, so Laura poured the cabbage juice into a long tube and then she poured . As soon as she put the vinegar into the cabbage juice , it turned red straight away. So then we all screamed out “ACID!” Meanwhile,  she quickly poured Mr Muscle into the cabbage juice and it turned dark green. Then again all of us screamed “BASE!”

After that experiment we had another experiment, but it was better than the first one. For the next experiment we had to step back, because it included, dry ice. For the experiment they needed dry ice, gloves and water. So there was a big jug of water and then Jacob picked up the dry ice with his gloves and threw it into the jug. As soon as threw the dry ice there, there was a cloud of carbon dioxide sinking to the ground. Everyone was excited and said “Wow! I wanna do that one day!”

As soon as they finished talking, they asked us if we had any questions and nobody put their so I had to quickly do a thank you speech. When I finished saying thank you, we then said our goodbyes. My favourite part was watching them do the experiments. *o*

HannahT signing out- Luh Ya


#Math Whizz >:)

Today for maths, I had to play whizz. I had no challenges so all I did was tutor mode. At the time I had 0 points, so that meant a lot of games to play. I was really struggling with the game I was on, but I finally got there and got a good score. The next game I played included, division, addition and subtraction. When I was playing the game, i thought it was waaayyy to easy for me, but when it got up to the last 2 questions I didn't want to play anymore. At the end of the day I succeeded my goal which was to finish off the hard game I was struggling on.

HannahT signing out- Y.o.l.o

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

#My Birthday =)

During the school holidays, it was my birthday. For my birthday, I had my friends come over and play amazing race. As soon as Leila arrived to my house, my mum went to pick up my friends. When Leila and I were waiting for my mum, we were watching scary pranks.

As soon as my mum got home, Leila and I ran down stairs and gave them hugs. While we were heading up stairs, all the girls were giving me their presents. For my presents, I got a lot of money and 2 pairs of T- shirts. When the girls were all there, we finally got into teams. I was the leader for my team and Asena was the leader for her team. For the first challenge we had to pick a team member.

 For my team we nominated Iron to do the first challenge and from the other team, Josephine had to do it. The first challenge was a individual task and the task had cups filled with lollies, fish, chips and other stuff. After you have eaten the things in the cup, you had to read the bottom to see what the next clue was.

 As soon as we started the challenge, Josephine got the first cup right, it said "Where Do I Get The" When we heard that they got the first one, we were screaming at Iron saying "HURRY UP!" or " Try That One!" Iron finally got one right with the disgusting fish that she had to chew and gulp. Suddenly Iron choose the cup filled with peas and then we found the second clue, which said " Envelopes from?" When we put the cups together, we finally got the answer. The answer was the mail box.

So we quickly ran to the mail box and found the next clue. While we were reading it, we saw the other team running up to the letter box. When they slid the clue out of the letter box, we quickly ran back to the house. As we were heading up stairs, we saw the other team following us. "Ahhhh did you even read the clue?" We asked. "Of course we did" they answered back. My team didn't really care, because we were running out of time. As soon as we got into the house, we got straight into the next challenge.

The next challenge was a pair challenge. So the challenge included chillies and peas. From my group the 2 people were, Jordenne and I. Jordenne ate the long chilly, and I ate the little chilly with the peas. I thought the chillies were really hot, but they actually weren't. But when I ate the peas, my mouth was burning hot. When our plate had nothing on it, we got our next clue. As soon as we got the clue we saw a word that included going to another place.

We quickly headed to the car and went straight to my church, Grace International. The challenge included spoons and eggs. The challenge looked so easy, but it wasn't -.-  As soon as we got there, we quickly got our spoon and egg and ran to the end of the basket ball court and passed to the next person. Iron went first for our group and I was last. I was so scared because I didn't want my egg to drop. When our group finished, we snatched the clue off of my mother. The next clue included the Library.

While we were driving to the library, we were reading the clue properly. It said "Find three books that Roald Dahl wrote and give the library reference code to the other two team members where they have to locate the books" So my group was thinking about the title of one of his books, and we got, The BFG, Charlie and the chocolate factory and Matilda.

As soon as we got there, quickly ran into the library. We saw the other team, and they had 2 books already! So we had to find the other book. Two of us girls had to sit down and the other two had to look for the 1 book. As we were spying at the other team, we saw them hide the 2 books from us. We were confused but then they told us they had to find the last one. When we heard that, we were so happy so we were all over the place looking for the last one.

As soon as we saw this lady pushing a trolley, we saw the title "BFG" I couldn't believe it, so I walked to the trolley and stole the book. We went to go and show my dad but then we forgot the other 2 books. When we were getting the other books, we saw one of the other team member's watching us. So we quickly got the books and ran to my dad. When we finished the challenge we quickly hid the books and got the final clue. The final clue included the pools.

So we went straight into the car and headed to the motorway. When we were in the car waiting for traffic, we called my mum to see if she was ok. So we did and she said she found the books and their nearly there. But guess what? The pools were all the way in Parakai, so we didn't believe her. But then we heard her reverse and we did, so my dad was driving faster so we could win. The clue said "All your team members have to go down the slide at the same time and the first team wins the whole thing" After we read the clue, all we saw were sings that said "Welcome To Parakai!" or "Parakai!!" and that's when we knew we were there.

When we finally got there, all the members in my group got changed and ran straight to the slide. While we were walking up the stairs, we saw the other group come threw the doors with their togs on. Then they were running to the slide, they saw us and had angry faces.

At the end of the day, we won and had a lot of fun. My highlight was stealing the books off of the other team.

HannahT signing out- Au revoir (Bye in French)

#Immersion Assembly =D

As you all know the holidays are over, so that means school’s starting! Today is the first day of school and so far its been a relaxed day. Every start of the term, we have Immersion Assembly’s. So in the morning, we had an immersion assembly.

First up was Team 1’s Performance. Team 1 had a movie and it was about the Glasgow Commonwealth games. The teachers were pretending that they were Athletes from around the world. Miss Lal was from Fiji, Miss Rapold was from South Africa, Mrs Moala was from Samoa, Miss Wild was from New Zealand and Mrs George was pretending to be the queen. I liked how they were pretending to be athletes from around the world.

Team 2’s performance was about them also pretending to be athletes but they were also pretending to play the different sports. Miss Eadie was pretending to play shot put and Miss Dwyer was pretending to throw a javelin. My favourite part from their performance was Miss She challenging Miss Eadie for boxing and Miss She won.

For Team 3’s Performance, they were talking about one of the sports the do in the commonwealth games, it is called “Gymnastics” Mrs Barks was talking about how they dance and what items they would need. Miss King, Miss Thomson, Miss Walters and Miss Nalder. As Mrs Barks was talking, all you could see is the other teachers dancing at the back of her. My favourite part was watching Miss King do a flip.

Team 4’s performance was soo funny. They had a video clip, and it was about them creating a new sport named “Potato Sculpture” The contestants were.....Miss Lavakula from India, Miss Garden from the Cook Islands, Mr Goodwin from Jamaica and Miss Ouano from Scotland. At the end of the day, Miss Garden got disqualified and Mr Goodwin won by making a snowman out of mashed potato.

Friday, 4 July 2014

#Aspirational Speakers *o*

This Morning, all senior classes went to go and sit in the street. There were special visitors that were coming to talk to us about their education and how they made it into uni and how they got the job they are working for now. Their names were, Alfred, Jason, Arizona and Andrew.

As soon as we started, we had to sing the waiata, Mihi Mai Ra. Mihi Mai Ra, is a waiata that welcomes people to our school. When the waiata finished, Andrew then stood up and started the speech. He then introduced the first speaker, Jason.

Jason was talking about uni and how he teaches maths at Tamaki College. The words that stood out for me were “Don’t follow your friends. Do the things you love not the things your friends love. And make your parents proud”  When he said that, I was thinking about my friends and me. When Jason said his final words, Alfred introduced the next speaker.

The next speaker had a really cool job, he is a police man! His name is Alfred. Alfred was talking about, how he started with school and how he became a police man. The words he said that stood out for me was...”Be your self not others.” As soon as he swapped with the other speaker, everyone started clapping and cheering and said “Alfred is my favourite speaker for today!” But they hadn't heard the next speaker.

The next speaker was 18 and she was the only girl that came with them. her name is Arizona. Arizona is Maori, Fijian, Samoan and Tongan. She just finished college from Epsom Girls Grammar and she also was head girl! So when she finished college she got a scholarship for communication. Now she goes to Auckland Uni and studies communication. Arizona was talking about, how she started in primary, how she became captain in intermediate and how she then became head girl for Epsom. Arizona was by far the best speaker for because she was really energetic and liked to play around a lot. The words she said that stood out for me was "Tahi: Do Your Mahi, Dr Seuss poem: Today your are you that is truer than true there is no one alive that is yewer than you, San: have some fun, 4: knock down the door which means be confident and 5: strive to stay alive.

They all really inspired me to do what I love and not what my friends love. My highlight was listening to Arizona. Here is a clip of Arizona say a speech at a exhibition in the Auckland Museum.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

#Parent Teacher Interveiwers =/

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I say as Levi hands out the permission slips for the parent teacher interviews. Every student in my class was moaning with an angry face. " Miss, do I have a good report? Please Say Yes!" Jennifer asks as she walks past Miss Paget. "I don't know" Miss Paget says, with a smiley face.

I couldn't stop thinking about the interview, I would think about my grades and how my parents were going to react about my report. Usually my report would be good, but if its bad.......... =(. So mum and dad if your reading this I tried my best =)

Hannah T signing out

Monday, 30 June 2014

#Different Types Of Songs =D

For this blog post, I am going to be talking about my favourite songs from different artists. The types of artists I'm talking about are, T.L.C, Demi Lavato and Michelle Williams. The first group i'm going to be talking about is......T.L.C!!

T.L.C was really famous in the past and had have some awesome songs. T stands for, T-Boz, L stands for, Left Eye and C stands for, Chilli and that is how the name, T.L.C was made. Unfortunately Lisa Left Eye Lopez passed away in a car crash, it was really sad when the whole world heard about that. This song here is one of my favourite songs from T.L.C. The song is called, What About Your Friends.

Demi Lavato is one of my favourite artist because she has a really cool voice. The reason why I like this song is because I love the lyrics and the beat. This song is always on adds that appear on Youtube. I always sing this in the shower and its also really catchy.
 The song is called Really Don't Care.

Michelle Williams is a gospel artist that sings one of my favourite songs. The song is called, Say Yes. She was in a group called, Destiny Child. The thing I really like about the song, is the lyrics. Everyone sings the song all of the time at school. I could watch the music video over and over again, and I will never get tired of it.

So now that you've seen my favourite songs and artists, who is your favourite artists and songs?

HannahT signing out- Gooood Byyyyyyyee