Tuesday, 11 November 2014

#Maniakalani Film Festival!!! ^-^

Every year all maniakalani schools get together and contribute in an event that is called Maniakalni Film Festival. Maniakalani Film Festival is when all Manikalani schools make movies about anything! For each movie there are 2 presenters, so for my classes movie, Anamei and I are the presenters! I Can't wait!

My classes movie is about the quote "Your Attitude determains you altittude" This would be my second year presenting, as you might know I had presented last year with my friend Sela. I had alot of fun making our movie this year.

I can't wait to present in front of different schools. This video below is the movie we made last year for Maniakalani =p Embarrassing.


  1. Like that quote Hannah. Looking forward to seeing how you have interpreted this for the big screen. Great to hear you are excited about presenting to the Manaiakalani schools too. Have a wonderful day.

  2. I was so pleased that you were chosen as a presenter for the film festival Hannah. Your talents must continue to be used.

    I hope you had fun!

    Mrs Burt

  3. Hello Mrs Grant & Mrs Burt.

    I had alot of fun presenting and watching the movie my class had created. I got a lot of my confidence and help from Mrs Burt, by ambassadors and by giving me chances to give the visitors a little tiki tour around our beautiful school. Thank you for always being there for me Mrs Burt.

    P.S: I was super surprised you remembered my name Mrs Grant!
    Love HannahT =)
