On Monday, my class and I went to badminton. Every term we have tutor's that come from around New Zealand that play sports and they teach us how to play. So this term we have a guy named Robbie and he plays badminton for New Zealand.
As soon as we got in the hall, we went straight into exercise. So we played, Stuck In The Mud. For those who don’t know what stuck in the mud is, Stuck in the mud is kind of like tiggy, but when you get tagged you have to stand were you are and wait until a person claps both your hands.
After the game, Robbie gave us a bat and a shuttle. We were practicing how to hold the bat and how to hit the shuttle with the bat. After all of that, we had a little comp, so I had to pick a partner and sit down. My partner was Jennifer.
Jennifer and I were struggling, but we made it in the final 2. I really enjoyed playing Badminton, I can’t wait for the next practice.

Great blog yoou have here