Last night I went to prize giving. It was so cool! I was in two items. The pounamu group and the item that I was doing with the year 5’s . The year fives were first to perform - after the Pounamu group had welcomed everyone, so I had to change as fast as I could.
As I was changing into my clothes I was so nervous to perform in front of my friends and family. When I finished changing I had a little practice with the girls.
As I walked up onto the stage I saw my mum, my dad , my aunt and my nana. I was so shy that I always looked down to the floor. I really wanted to do the pukana but then as I looked at my mum all I saw was her flashlight from her phone. Walking off the stage I ran as fast as I could to the library to get changed
Running into the doors of the hall I sat down sweating. Then all of a sudden I heard Mr Burt say “ now its time for the year five item!” and then I stood up again and got into my position. then i started dancing then my mum did it again! and saying my head “ I can’t wait to go back and sit down!”. When the performance finished Mr Burt took a long time to say the the names of the year six’s who were going to get a certificate or a little trophy from the sports awards.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Do you know what Perimeter is? Well I do! Today I learnt what Perimeter is. Perimeter means how far around the outside of a shape. Here is a site if you want to know more about Perimeters
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
2012 Manaiakalani reflecction
This year is totally different because I can share my stories with the world. Having a netbook is really cool because you can see what other people shared as well. I like commenting on other peoples blogs so it can help them think about how they should write or do their maths properly.
My learning has gone up a level on my maths and reading. Maths is one of my favorite things to do in school and reading I enjoy as well. I love doing maths online and reading as well because there are all of these sites that you can go on.
2012 has surprised me because I have learned heaps of stuff I can do on the internet. Learning with a net book has changed everything that happens in school.
I would've enjoyed playing more sports with my class.Like baseball, netball, cricket and basketball. Every term there is a sport that we play and there will always be somebody that will teach us how to play.
My goal for 2013 is to try and do .Having a netbook that goes online is really helpful because it really helps me .The best thing being a yr 5 is how to Learn Create and Share.
My learning has gone up a level on my maths and reading. Maths is one of my favorite things to do in school and reading I enjoy as well. I love doing maths online and reading as well because there are all of these sites that you can go on.
2012 has surprised me because I have learned heaps of stuff I can do on the internet. Learning with a net book has changed everything that happens in school.
I would've enjoyed playing more sports with my class.Like baseball, netball, cricket and basketball. Every term there is a sport that we play and there will always be somebody that will teach us how to play.
My goal for 2013 is to try and do .Having a netbook that goes online is really helpful because it really helps me .The best thing being a yr 5 is how to Learn Create and Share.
Friday, 23 November 2012
Manaiakalani is an education trust that helped Point Englanders get their own netbooks. I love my netbook because I can share anything I want to say, either on my blog or talk to others on email. Manaiakalani didn’t just pay for our netbooks to play games or go on other stuff, they paid for it so we can learn and have a good education in the future.
So as a student from Point England School I would like to say thank you to all of the people from Manaiakalani and our parents who paid for our netbooks.
So as a student from Point England School I would like to say thank you to all of the people from Manaiakalani and our parents who paid for our netbooks.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
My future toy!
This is my future toy that I think that is going to be invented! I thought of this toy because cool stuff is going to be invented and the flying bike is one of the best!
Hannah's future toy from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
My favourite movie
Do you like my photo? Well if you do then watch this movie from the film festival. It is called The Test from Room 18 from Point England School. This is one of my favourite movies from the film festival because it’s really funny and cool at the same time. You should really watch this movie because you will laugh really hard. For this movie I give it a 10/10!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Manaiakalani film festival 2012
Sitting down, the lights slowly faded away. Then we watched the introduction and it was about how the movies that were make are shared with the world on the internet.
My favourite movie that I liked was Pt England boys as One Direction, One Thing made by Tamaki College students.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Today was Athletics. I was in the 10 yr old girls and I'm in (Te aroha) the red team! our teacher was Miss Ouano.
Guess what our first game was, It was relays! As I was walking to the relay track all I heard was heaps of people chating. When all of the girls sat down we all sat into our house colours! I was the first one to go for my team. I was so nervous that I had so much butterfly's in my stomach. But then I heard miss Ouano say "GO!" And when I heard that word I just ran my hardest. Then we came first!
Guess what our first game was, It was relays! As I was walking to the relay track all I heard was heaps of people chating. When all of the girls sat down we all sat into our house colours! I was the first one to go for my team. I was so nervous that I had so much butterfly's in my stomach. But then I heard miss Ouano say "GO!" And when I heard that word I just ran my hardest. Then we came first!
Thursday, 1 November 2012
My future computer!
This is a computer that I thought would be invented in the future. My computers name is called COMPAD it is mixed with computer and ipad.
Monday, 29 October 2012
My narrative
“Hi my name is James Watch me as I jump off of this swing and land on the slide.” I yelled like a professional. My friend gelously said behind the camera “What a show off” . " Sh! im trying to concentrate." I said angrily.
Taking a deep breath, I slowly swung back and forth. As my hands slipped off, I went flying in the air and sang in my head " I believe I can Fly"

Saturday, 20 October 2012
The holidays!
Did you have fun in the holidays? Well,I did! The first week of the holidays I went to riverside camp. It was at willow park. I had heaps of fun with my friends. At camp we do all sorts of things crazy things sad things and happy things.
On the second week I went to cook Island practice for church. We have a conference and I'm in two items singing and dancing. I have heaps of fun dancing. Heaps of my friends are in the dance. Our name is sd's and that stands for sugar donuts.
SD'S 4 life!!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Halloween story
Aggressively, my brother and I were fighting over the bucket of Halloween lollies. “Let go you egg” I shouted. My face was red and angry. “Never” My brother cried. Letting go of the bucket quickly, I made my brother fall over. He went crying to my mum. “Thanks for the lollies” I said, laughing to myself.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Every Thursday mornings we go to basketball. There are these two guys who were teaching us and their names are Tie and Brooklyn. At our school we have different sports every term to play. This term it was basketball! I love basketball because its kind of like my favourite sport (netball).
Last week was the last day of basketball. It was so cool because we were playing heaps and heaps of games. We played tunnel ball up and over, relays and shooting games.
My favourite game was one on one. I really enjoyed basketball because I know how to play it now. THANK YOU TIE AND BROOKLYN!!!

My favourite game was one on one. I really enjoyed basketball because I know how to play it now. THANK YOU TIE AND BROOKLYN!!!
Monday, 17 September 2012
Farewell Mrs Verry!

Mrs Verry was a very special lady from our community. She has been working at our school for nearly 20 years. We had a sad assembly on Friday because she was going to retire. She has known heaps and heaps of children from our school.
Mr. Burt told a story about Mrs. Verry and this was followed by a movie about her. It was about how she was the prettiest in the class room and it was made a long time ago. Then there was a Kapa Haka dance and then a Samoan dance. All of the teachers were all dressed in tiaras or rock star things. Guess why they were wearing that? because Mrs Verry is the Queen of bling. There was heaps of silly funny and crazy costumes. Mrs Verry had so many lays and lollie neaklacees that you couldn't even see the flower in her hair. WE WILL MISS YOU MRS VERRY!!!!!!
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Thai Fish Cakes
here is a photo of me cooking thai fish cakes! Last week for our challenge was to make Thai Fish Cakes. To win an Ipad! But sadly we didn't win. The thing that I really liked about cooking Thai Fish cakes is placing them neatly on the plate. The thing I didn't like about cooking thai fish cakes was NOTHING?! It was so cool cooking with my friends and teacher! Their was heaps of interviews in that very small room. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOTE FOR US
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Richard Whitehead!
Richard White head is at the end of the running track and he is holding the Union Jack flag . He looks really proud of himself because he is smiling and jumping on the track. It looks like he is looking at the crowd and his supporters. YAY the crowd screams loudly.
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Here is some words from the game that me and my friend played! Scrabble. There are some really cool words on there so watch out for those words!!!!!
Monday, 10 September 2012
There was this boy in my class and his name is Shalom. He is a very very VERY special and smart boy! He has gone to Australia. To live!!! He was very funny and very serious. His best two friends are Iisa and Sosaia. But he is one of the smartest people in our class.If you want to here is his blog! WE WILL MISS YOU SHALOM!!!!!!!!
Tommy Kaipai Wilson!
In the morning Miss King told my classroom that their was a special visitor coming to assembly and his name is Tommy Kapai Wilson. He has made heaps of books and he named them Kapai. My favorite book that he had made is the day I met a princess.
Well we were walking into the doors of the hall I saw some pictures on the stage. They were Kapai characters. When I sat down I saw Tommy kapai! I was so excited. When he was talking he told us 5 lessons. 1 make 10 people smile a day. 2 war and violence is dumb. 3 learn how to forgive. 4 everybody is born with a gift. Last but not least you have to smile.
The thing I liked about Tommy is that is really funny and talented. The thing I learnt about is rich people is not that rich they're just normal people. Just like us!
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Today in my class we were talking about the paralyimpics. My class was talking about how the athletes sit down in volley ball or play basket ball in a wheel chair and how we were watching it on the T.V. When I found out how they do that I was amazed! I was thinking in my head "HOW DO THEY DO THAT!"and then when Miss King told me that they were sick and they lost pieces of their body I was like WOW!!! So if you want to find out more about the Paralyimpics here is a site that you can go on! thanks! :)
Tuesday, 4 September 2012
Lets Cook Parmco!
In Extintion we entered a competition. It is this cooking comp and we really want to win because they give you heaps of cooking equipment. So if you can can you vote for us and please leave a comment. Here is the site that you can vote on! Thanks!
Re crafting
Today we re crafted my friends story on her and its on her blog. The first sentence belongs to her and the other belongs to me. Enjoy!
As we were getting near some more puddles, I realised that the track was dangerous. Jogging carefully down the slippery stairs I nearly slipped but luckily I held onto the tree. I was happily saved by the tree.
As I was running down the stairs, I nearly slipped. Luckily I was saved by my friend “a miracle I said.I realised that this track was really dangerous. Carefully running down the other set of stairs I still managed to fall on my bum. Ouch! here is her blog.
As we were getting near some more puddles, I realised that the track was dangerous. Jogging carefully down the slippery stairs I nearly slipped but luckily I held onto the tree. I was happily saved by the tree.
As I was running down the stairs, I nearly slipped. Luckily I was saved by my friend “a miracle I said.I realised that this track was really dangerous. Carefully running down the other set of stairs I still managed to fall on my bum. Ouch! here is her blog.
Thursday, 30 August 2012
about me!
Hi my name is Hannah and I go to Point England school. I just turned 10 and my BFFL (best friends for life!) are (MAO), (SELA), (JORDENNE), (IRON) and Here are their blogs. I am in the beautiful Miss Kings class and I am a yr 5. My favorite subjects are maths and reading and I am in the extension class. Our principals name is Mr Burt.
Monday, 27 August 2012
Liu Xiang 110m hurdles
Thinking in my head I better win this, my country relied on me to win this Olympic hurdle race. My goal for 2012 Olympic games is to try and not fall over the hurdles. As the starter said "take your marks get set go!" I was so nervous, I was sweating.
As soon as I got to the first hurdle I FElL DOWN! I crashed! “NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!” I said in my head I felt so annoyed and really angry. Sitting there for a little while I thought my country was depending on me but now they are really disappointed.
When I got up I hopped all the way to the entrance. As I got there the security guard said “sorry you're not allowed to come this way” so I went back on the racetrack and I hopped all the way there. Hopping to the last hurdle I kissed it. I got help from the other athletes to get to the finish line.
As soon as I got to the first hurdle I FElL DOWN! I crashed! “NO! THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING!!” I said in my head I felt so annoyed and really angry. Sitting there for a little while I thought my country was depending on me but now they are really disappointed.
When I got up I hopped all the way to the entrance. As I got there the security guard said “sorry you're not allowed to come this way” so I went back on the racetrack and I hopped all the way there. Hopping to the last hurdle I kissed it. I got help from the other athletes to get to the finish line.
Wednesday, 22 August 2012
My Presentation
This is my little presentation enjoy.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Usain Bolt
Waiting, primed for the gun Usain Bolt put his head down and he balanced on the blocks.Do you think he will win?.Ready for glory after years of training.

As a gifted Athlete,Usain focuses on the finish line.Ready to run he heard the crowd representing him.
With joy and celebration,Usain Bolt respect Jamaica.No one is geeater then him.He is the world’s greast sprint chapion.Will he return to the olympic in 2016.

As a gifted Athlete,Usain focuses on the finish line.Ready to run he heard the crowd representing him.
With joy and celebration,Usain Bolt respect Jamaica.No one is geeater then him.He is the world’s greast sprint chapion.Will he return to the olympic in 2016.
Thanks for listening:)
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
This is a game that me and my group played and it is called scrabble.As you can see there are names like Hannah and Jenny and Iron and Sela those people were in my group.Enjoy!
Friday, 10 August 2012
The Panasonic Competition
My classroom entered a competition. It was a Panasonic competition. There was guy from that program that came to our school and his name is Paul. Every year they put a competition on for any schools who wants to participate in the competition.
A bunch of kids from my class made a storyboard about crazy communication. We are one of the 20 schools that are in the finals and we won a camera with 2 microphones and with a memory card. Thank you Panasonic for the prizes that you gave to us we will work hard to try and win the competition. bunch of kids from my class made a storyboard about crazy communication. We are one of the 20 schools that are in the finals and we won a camera with 2 microphones and with a memory card. Thank you Panasonic for the prizes that you gave to us we will work hard to try and win the competition.
Monday, 30 July 2012
The Olympic torch
The Olympic flame started at the ancient Olympic games.The flame was first ignited at Olympia which is in Greece. At the closing of the Olympic games the flame is put out.
In Olympia they light the Olympic torch.The greeks have a big curved mirror which shines when you turn it to the sun .Women from Olympia are dressed in ancient robes and perform the ceremony.
The lighting of the Olympic torch is one of the most important thing at the opening ceremony. It will be there when all of the athletes play their sports.
Thursday, 26 July 2012
My Netball Game.
Today I went to my netball game. We played Dio (the pinkies). I was sub in the first half and then center for the second half.
At the end of the first half it was 11goals to 2. But the on the second half it was 23 goals to 4. Guess what? WE WON!!!!
So the player of the day was sela. She was shooting for the whole game and she nearly got all of the goals. Then we said our cheers and shook the other team's hands, quietly saying "yes, we won!" to ourselves. Then we got changed.
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
Name of sport:Judo
Teams/participants:1 guy on each team
Equipment:They wear a uniform witch is called Judogi and a jacket and belt witch hold's your clothes.
Rules:The first person to put the other person on there back. Then they win the match.
This is a sport witch is in the Olympics.It is called Judo.This sport is a fitting sport and it is really scary because some times you can choke in judo.As I was researching I found out that this sport is originally made in japan.
Teams/participants:1 guy on each team
Equipment:They wear a uniform witch is called Judogi and a jacket and belt witch hold's your clothes.
Rules:The first person to put the other person on there back. Then they win the match.
This is a sport witch is in the Olympics.It is called Judo.This sport is a fitting sport and it is really scary because some times you can choke in judo.As I was researching I found out that this sport is originally made in japan.
Jigoro Kano is the person who made judo and he was born 1860-1938. |
Saturday, 21 July 2012
term 3
Today is the first day of term 3. We had an assembly for our topic this term.Guess what our topic is for this term it's GO FOR GOLD. As I walked into the doors I saw every teacher dressed up as one of the people in the Olympics. It was really funny.
When I was watching the movies that the teachers made some of them were really funny and some of them were interesting. My favorite one is team 4’s movie it was really funny and the actor that I really liked was mr somerville's character.There movie was about the people who loves to swim and they really want to compete in the Olympics.
I really think that our topic name (GO FOR GOLD) is a really cool name because we have so many sports and when the rugby games or any other games that we play at Pt England we could just think about our topic and they will think in their head “I will go for gold and I will try my best” so this is one of the best topic name I have ever heard at Pt England.
This is one of the biggest pianos in the world!!!!!There is this man who plays the piano with his feet and guess what he is playing the super Mario song.The toy shop that he is in is one of the biggest toy shops in the world and it is in new York.I chose this video because it looked very cool.
Friday, 29 June 2012
My Ugly classroom
Today is the last day of the term.Me and my class had to take all of the stuff on the wall off.When I was taking the stuff off my hands were so tired from taking the staples out and ripping the fabric off.
As me and my friend were taking the fabric off we saw a little black spider.My friend was scaerd of the spider and guess what she even thoght that it was in her ear.After we finished ,everybody sat on the ground and said”EW OUR CLASSROOM IS UGLY” and I said “because we just finished taking everything off of the wall!”
As me and my friend were taking the fabric off we saw a little black spider.My friend was scaerd of the spider and guess what she even thoght that it was in her ear.After we finished ,everybody sat on the ground and said”EW OUR CLASSROOM IS UGLY” and I said “because we just finished taking everything off of the wall!”
Thursday, 28 June 2012
My Reflection!
I enjoyed learning about colours,shapes and how to paint like an real artist.
I didn’t enjoy having to stop painting my work.Not enough time!!
I learnt about heaps of artist like Kandinsky who came from moscow russia.
I feel really good because I learnt heaps more of artists and art.
What I found most interesting was learning about Kandinsky who was a russian artist.I liked his Abstract work.
I could've listened to the teacher to find out more about the artist we were learning about.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
My Art Reflection
This is a movie that my group made. ENJOY!!!!!
The Art Gallery
Walking into the doors of the art gallery all I saw were colours all over the place.The first thing I saw were the animals from room 5 and they were so cute. Stepping on to the stage, I saw the artwork of room 14. Their artwork is cool and it is very colorful.
But then I saw a picture that I liked and the person who painted it was Meleane To’a.She had painted a Jackson Pollock painting. Which is just a splash of paint everywhere on the paper.I liked her one because it was vibrant,abstract and cool.
When I saw my groups artwork I was very proud of making the artwork. Looking at the paintings felt like I was inside a colourful maze.My favourite part was going up on the stage and looking at the yrs 7 and 8 extension artwork of Hine.
But then I saw a picture that I liked and the person who painted it was Meleane To’a.She had painted a Jackson Pollock painting. Which is just a splash of paint everywhere on the paper.I liked her one because it was vibrant,abstract and cool.
When I saw my groups artwork I was very proud of making the artwork. Looking at the paintings felt like I was inside a colourful maze.My favourite part was going up on the stage and looking at the yrs 7 and 8 extension artwork of Hine.
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
My own version of Goldie locks and three bears.
Once there was a little girl and her name was Goldie locks. One day she was walking in the forest then she saw a house. She ran to the house because she could smell porridge. She went in, then the door shut, just like a haunted house. She heard a voice and said “Is there anybody here?” Then she heard a voice coming from upstairs saying “hello is that you honey?” Goldie locks asked “who’s that?” The voice replied “it's your husband”. Then a ghost came down the stairs and frightened Goldie Locks, she was so scared that she lost her hair and thats how she got the name boldie locks.
Boldie Locks likes to play at the park and loves playing with her toys. She really likes playing with her teddy bears. She has a best friend called Little Miss Muffit and they play on the playground together. Boldie Locks can’t wait to grow her hair back because she doesn’t like people teasing her. Her favourite color is blue and when she grows up she wants to be a singer and dreams of being a Superstar!
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Composition IV
Composition IV is a mix of swirling colours and soaring lines.
In the center of the painting you can see 2 thick lines and they are divided of the left hand side and the right hand side.On the left hand side there are violent motion and on the left hand side it just all calm and peaceful.
Two Red - Hatted cossacks were holding black swords, in front of a blue Mountain. While the Third bearded cossack leaned against his Purple sword. On top of the blue Mountain is a castle. On the lower left you can see these purple things and those are the boats and on the lower right you can see these two people lying on a hill and two preists are watching over them.
In the center of the painting you can see 2 thick lines and they are divided of the left hand side and the right hand side.On the left hand side there are violent motion and on the left hand side it just all calm and peaceful.
Two Red - Hatted cossacks were holding black swords, in front of a blue Mountain. While the Third bearded cossack leaned against his Purple sword. On top of the blue Mountain is a castle. On the lower left you can see these purple things and those are the boats and on the lower right you can see these two people lying on a hill and two preists are watching over them.
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
My story for kids should see this.
I watched this video from kids should see this and it is really cool. The video talks about animals who are endangered species and shows close ups of them. The animal that I like is the black snake. I like the black snake because I have never seen one that color before.
Endangered species are the most important animals because we have to look after them before they become extinct. The video says that 100 species become extinct everyday, this makes me feel really sad because these animals are really special to our planet.
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
This is a video on Kid Should See This.The movie is with all these photos that her dad took every week of a little baby girl and it shows her age from when she is 1 year's old up to 12 years old.Enjoy!!!!!!
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
What would swimming be like in 2012?When my classroom heard that we were going swimming we were so excited.I am going to be so happy to jump into that pool!!!!!!
The first time walking into the doors for the pools all I could smell was chlorine and it was really hot inside the pools. Running to the showers all I heard was “RUN GO GO GO!!!!!”But then Miss King stopped us and then we had to walk because it was way too slippery.
Hopping into the pool was so warm and a little cold but then I got use to it. We had to swim one length backstroke - Non stop!!!! When I got to the end I was huffing and puffing.
My favorite Thing to do is freestyle.The funniest thing though was watching Sebastian doing the doggie paddle.
The first time walking into the doors for the pools all I could smell was chlorine and it was really hot inside the pools. Running to the showers all I heard was “RUN GO GO GO!!!!!”But then Miss King stopped us and then we had to walk because it was way too slippery.
Hopping into the pool was so warm and a little cold but then I got use to it. We had to swim one length backstroke - Non stop!!!! When I got to the end I was huffing and puffing.
My favorite Thing to do is freestyle.The funniest thing though was watching Sebastian doing the doggie paddle.
Friday, 4 May 2012
My story about the swimming pools.
One lovely morning on a summers day, we went to the swimming pool just for a day.
To the YMCA pools my favourite place, I went in with a great big smile on my face.
Getting into my togs I looked just like a frog.
When I went into the pool I had some time off school.
To the YMCA pools my favourite place, I went in with a great big smile on my face.
Getting into my togs I looked just like a frog.
When I went into the pool I had some time off school.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Tissue flower
Painting the background vibrant colours,it looked just like the real sky.
Carefully gluing the parts of the flower,we made a big mess.
Step by step we made it to painting the flower,where we were all become messy and covered with paint.
As we were dipping the paint brush into the glass of water,pretty colours swirled around.
Carefully gluing the parts of the flower,we made a big mess.
Step by step we made it to painting the flower,where we were all become messy and covered with paint.
As we were dipping the paint brush into the glass of water,pretty colours swirled around.
Thursday, 26 April 2012
Hannah's Artwork
This Term Our Topic is called ART ALIVE.We made Artwork out of melted crayon.It was my first time making that kind of artwork.
The first thing we had to do was get a canvas from the teacher.Painting a word onto our canvas,my word was learn .As one of us were painting someone else in our group were gluing some crayons on a cardboard from warm to cold colors.
When we were finished gluing the crayons we sellotaped our cardboard of crayons on top of the canvas.Then we got a hair dryer and put it on the crayons to melt.When I was melting the crayons it was dribbling down really fast.
The fun part was melting the crayons.I really enjoyed looking at the puddles of melted crayons and touching it.Have you ever done this before?
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
This is a movie that me and my friend Puawai made.Enjoy:)
Thursday, 22 March 2012
butterflies paper
This is a video from KSST (Kids Should See This).I piked this video because it looked really cool and creative.It is about this guy who makes wild animals out of his own paper.He is a paper maker and a folder maker.
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Camp 2012

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