Wednesday, 30 October 2013


PVP is a channel that I love to watch! PVP stands for Prank Vs Prank and there are only two people that Prank each other. Their names are Genna and Jessie. It’s about Genna and Jessie pranking each other sometimes using firecrackers,dog biscuits,chilli chocolate,chilli sauce and other stuff.

The first video they made was on the 12 of June 2010. Whenever they prank each other they always have a camera, they sometimes hide the camera or hold it in their hand. My favourite prank is Jessie eating a dog biscuit. That is my faourite one because Genna and her dad was ganging up on Jessie and the dad helped Genna.

This is video of Jessie eating the dog biscuit. Enjoy!

This is Hannah T signing out Tata!

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