For the past few months, I have been playing netball for my school. Every Tuesdays, I would have a netball game. I was in the year 7 team 2 roses. I was with my friends, Josephine, Lesieli, Quasia and Ana. The position I play is, GK (Goal Keep)
We were in grade C1, then we got moved to B2. We were winning all our games until we moved a grade. At the time, we won 3, drew 1 and lost 1 When we were moved to the B grade, we were struggling a lot, but we got there at the end.
At our last game, we had a lot of supporters. I was on first, second and third quarter, and on the fourth quarter, Rave was GK. We were challenging, ASJ Starlings (A netball club) and we really wanted to win against them. After the game, the scores were muddled up because one umpire said that we won and the other said that they won, but the actual winners were their team.
At the end of the day, we had a great season and came 4th out of 10 teams. My highlight of the season was meeting new people and playing with my close friend, Josephine. Hopefully I will be playing with the same girls next year ^-^
HannahT signing out - Bye!
Saturday, 30 August 2014
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
#Using multiplication and division to solve "Part Unknown" Problems (without diagrams) =D
This presentation is about my maths strategies I was working on this week. I created it on Google Drive. Enjoy =*
Monday, 25 August 2014
#100th Blog Post *o* (OMG!)
For this blogpost, i created a little video for you. I hope you enjoy watching it! Happy 100th Blog Post Blog ~.^ (Excuse the facials and the part at the end of the song....FLAT!)
Sunday, 24 August 2014
#Lauging Samoans ='D
During the weekend I've been doing a lot of things, I went to my dads house, I went to go see my nana and my aunties, I went to go see my little sister and lastly, I went to watch the concert of the laughing samoans. As soon as my dad told me I was going to watch the laughing samoans, I was soo shocked because I've never been to one of their shows. The concert was held in Takapuna.
Before we left to go to the concert, we had to stop off at church. I went with my family including my sister. While we were driving, we were talking about what performances we really want to watch and the characters we wanted to see them play.
As soon as we got there, we saw a lot of cars parked on the road, on the grass and of course in the car park.When we got there we got our tickets. We saw a lot of people getting ready for the doors to open. The concert was about to start and my family and I were sitting up stairs where you could see everybody.
Straight after we got our tickets, the doors opened so we quickly walked in and sat down with 3 minutes to spare. While we were waiting, my Aunty went to go and get some water for us. When she got back, the lights dimmed and everybody started to scream.
The first character Tofiga played was Aunty Tala. Everyone knows of Aunty Tala because everyone loves her, so as soon as she started talking, everyone screamed really loud. It was so loud, that my little sister had to cover her ears.
There were 12 plays in total and we watched all 12 of them. At the end of the day, we went home late (12 o'clock) and I stayed up until 4:00 talking with my cousin. Thanks for reading ^-^
HannahT signing out - Vinaka
Before we left to go to the concert, we had to stop off at church. I went with my family including my sister. While we were driving, we were talking about what performances we really want to watch and the characters we wanted to see them play.
As soon as we got there, we saw a lot of cars parked on the road, on the grass and of course in the car park.When we got there we got our tickets. We saw a lot of people getting ready for the doors to open. The concert was about to start and my family and I were sitting up stairs where you could see everybody.
Straight after we got our tickets, the doors opened so we quickly walked in and sat down with 3 minutes to spare. While we were waiting, my Aunty went to go and get some water for us. When she got back, the lights dimmed and everybody started to scream.
The first character Tofiga played was Aunty Tala. Everyone knows of Aunty Tala because everyone loves her, so as soon as she started talking, everyone screamed really loud. It was so loud, that my little sister had to cover her ears.
There were 12 plays in total and we watched all 12 of them. At the end of the day, we went home late (12 o'clock) and I stayed up until 4:00 talking with my cousin. Thanks for reading ^-^
HannahT signing out - Vinaka
Friday, 22 August 2014
#Colours!! ^-^

For the past couple of days, my class and I have been learning about, primary colours, secondary colours and tertiary Colours. We have also learn’t about warm and cool
colours. First i'm going to be talking about primary colours...
The primary colours are, blue, yellow and red. If you mix, two colours at the same time, you would get secondary colours. Primary colours are really important because they can make secondary colours.
Secondary colours are, green, violet and orange. To make green you would have to add, blue + yellow together. To make violet you would have to add, blue + red together. Finally, to make orange you would have to add, red + yellow together.
Tertiary colours are made up with a primary colour and a secondary colour together. The tertiary colours are, light green, dark green, dark purple, light purple, dark orange and gold. To make light green you mix, Yellow + green, it’ll make light green. To make, dark green you would have to add, blue + green. To make dark purple, you would need to mix, blue + violet. To make light purple, you would have to mix, red + violet. To make dark orange you have to mix, red + orange together. Finally, to make gold, you add orange and yellow together.
I have been learning about a lot of colours, that I know what colours to mix, what colours are in the secondary colours, primary colours and tertiary colours. I hope you have learn't a lot about colours.
HannahT signing out - Lovvee Yalll
#Netball!! -.-
All day today, I went to a tournament. The sport I played was, netball. Netball is my favourite sport to play, so I was really excited. A couple of weeks ago, we had a tournament and came second, so this was the final tournament. There were 14 teams of girls in each pool. The position I played was Goal Keep.
As soon as we got to the courts, all we heard was a lady speaking threw the speaker explaining where everything was, what we had to do if someone got hurt badly and how many minutes there were in each half. The halves were 11 minutes long with 2 minute breaks.
Our first game was a friendly game, because one of the teams we were playing were late. We played Kedgley, they were really hard. I had to share my position with my friend Iron. So I went first halve and Iron went second halve. At the end of the game, we lost by 3. We were all disappointed, but we still remembered that, that game was friendly, so it didn't count.
The next game was a lot harder because, they didn't look like year 7's they looked like year 9's. For the second game, Iron went first halve and I went second halve. I played better on the first game then I did on the second game.
At the end of the day, we came lost all our games and came 12th. Holy Cross came 2nd and Kedgley came 1st. My highlight was having lunch and a drink of water.
Thursday, 21 August 2014
#Typing Test =) =) =) =D
Today is the day that I have finally beaten my highest score for Typing Test! I was so happy that I was screaming with my pukana eyes. Now I would have to beat 39 (WPM) to beat my highest score. If you beat my score (and your under 12) comment below and tell me how much you got. Here is the link.... Typing Test.
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
#Solve Mental Division Problems With Remainders! =p
This here is a presentation a created in Google Docs!!! ENJOY!
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
#Throw Back!!! =D
As I was scrolling threw some old videos in vimeo, I saw a video that looked very similar to the one I did a couple of years ago. As soon as I watched it, I was surprised because it was on vimeo for quite a while. In this video I was a year 5 in Miss Kings class (Room 13)
I am superrrrr embarrassed when I saw me dancing really hard and lip syncing. I was laughing because I saw some of my friends lip syncing hard. My favourite part was watching Jennifer Lip sync. HILARIOUS!!!!
HannahT signing out - Ariohs Amegos.
#Whizz!! *.*
For my maths homework today, I am played Math Whizz. If you don't know what Math Whizz is click on this link: HERE! If you do know what the program is, keep on reading. The game I am on at the moment in tutor mode, includes subtraction, addition, division and multiplication. I am really struggling on the questions, so that means I get a low score. I am now coming 3rd out of all my friends so that means I have to play more to get better. My highlight was trying to beat IronT but she was just to HARD!
HannahT signing out - Cherrio
#How 2 Play Netball!!
Have you heard of a sport called Netball? Well if you haven’t, keep on reading. My name is Hannah and I am going to explain every detail of the game.
A netball court is divided into three parts. The three parts includes two Goal thirds and one Centre third. At the end of both sides, there are semicircle markings, in the centre third there is a small full circle marking. At both ends of the court there is a goal post that is 10 feet long.
There are two teams that play against each other. There are 7 players in each team so in total there should be 14 players on court. The 7 positions are broken up into defense and attacks. Goal Shoot (GS), Goal keep (GK), Goal Attack(GA), Goal Defense (GD), Wing Defense (WD), Wing Attack (WA) and Center (C).
This diagram tells you what positions there are in each team. The diagram also tells you which position each player will partner with for example in the red Goal Third the GS is in the red team and partners with GK from the blue team.
GS & GK: Are allowed in the Goal circle and in their goal third. They are not allowed to enter into the centre third
WA & WD: Are allowed in the attacks Goal Third and the centre third but they are not allowed to go into the opponents goal third.
GA & GD: Are allowed in the attacks Goal circle, Goal Third and Centre third but they are not allowed to go into the other Goal Third.
C: The centre position is allowed to go anywhere in the Court except for the Goal circle.
Attacks: GS, GA, WA & C
The attacks priority is to pass the ball to the shooters (GS & GA) to get a goal.
Defense: GK, GD, WD & C
The defense priority is to stop their opponents to shoot a goal.
Each game is four quarters with a time of 10minutes per quarter.
1. Each quarter starts off with a centre pass
2. No stepping - the foot that you ground when receiving the ball you can’t lift and ground again.
3. Replay ball - You can’t double bounce the ball with your hand
4. Contact - You can’t hit or push your partner purposely
5. Obstruction - Is called when you are less then three feet and their defending the partner
Friday, 8 August 2014
#Cook Island Language Week Part 3!!!
As you all know it's Cook Island Language week. Until Cook Island Week finishes, I will be giving you some Cook Island sentences about me and I will be translating the English way of saying it. I will continue with the paragraph I posted yesterday. My second post....Here!
Cook Island Way: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.
English Way: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School.
Here are the sentences...
Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au - I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan.
Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii - My teachers name is Jo Paget.
E mataiti etu toku ite apii - I am a year 7.
Put it all together it will make this.....
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au.Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii. E mataiti etu toku ite apii.
Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School. I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan. My teachers name is Jo Paget. I am a year 7.
Cook Island Way: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.
English Way: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School.
Here are the sentences...
Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au - I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan.
Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii - My teachers name is Jo Paget.
E mataiti etu toku ite apii - I am a year 7.
Put it all together it will make this.....
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School.Ko au e Cookie Irani au e Tonga au e Nuie au Samoa au.Ko Jo Paget te ingoa o toku puapii. E mataiti etu toku ite apii.
Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather. I am 12 years old. I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. I go to Point England School. I'm Cook Island Nuiean, Samoan and Tongan. My teachers name is Jo Paget. I am a year 7.
Wednesday, 6 August 2014
#Cook Island Language Week Part 2!!
As you all know it's Cook Island Language week. For the next couple of days, I will be giving you some Cook Island words and I will be translating the English way of say it I will continue with the paragraph that I posted a couple of days ago. My first post...Part 1!!.
Cook Island Saying: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.
English Saying: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.
E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti - I am 12 years old.
E rua oku teina e tai tungane - I have 2 sisters and 1 brother
E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School - I go to Point England School.
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School
Cook Island Saying: Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.
English Saying: Hello. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother. Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.
E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti - I am 12 years old.
E rua oku teina e tai tungane - I have 2 sisters and 1 brother
E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School - I go to Point England School.
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau. E tai ngauru ma rua oku mataiti. E rua oku teina e tai tungane. E aaere ana au ki te apii Pt England School
#Putting A Tidy Number Into A Whole Number!!
WALT: I am learning to solve subtraction problems with tenths by changing the second number into a whole number.
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
#Cook Island Language Week!
Do you know what week it is?
It is Cook Island Language Week 'Te Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani!
So from now until this Friday, I will be giving you facts and a few Cook Island words and the translation in English.
Kia Orana - Hello.
Pee'a Koe - How Are You?
Toku ingoa ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini- Luatutu. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu.
Koai toou ingoa - What's Your Name?
Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa o toku Mama Ruau - Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother.
Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruau - Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.
Koai toou ingoa?
It is Cook Island Language Week 'Te Epetoma o te reo Maori Kuki Airani!
So from now until this Friday, I will be giving you facts and a few Cook Island words and the translation in English.
Kia Orana - Hello.
Pee'a Koe - How Are You?
Toku ingoa ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini- Luatutu. My name is Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu.
Koai toou ingoa - What's Your Name?
Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa o toku Mama Ruau - Haumata Timoteo Hewett is the name of my grandmother.
Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruau - Cramand Teaukura Hewett is the name of my grandfather.
Kia Orana, Toku Ingoa Ko Hannah Tiniteila Tetini-Luatutu. Ko Haumata Timoteo Hewett te ingoa O toku Mama Ruau. Ko Cramand Teaukura Hewett te ingoa O toku Papa Ruhau.
Koai toou ingoa?
#Math DLO!!!
This here is a presentation I created in Google drive >.<
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