Tuesday, 25 November 2014

#Smoothies!!! =)


As you all know I mentioned in my last blog that I had my friends Josephine and Iron over for the weekend.  What you might not know is that we made some really yummy smoothies.  I'm sorry for the delay but I made a movie about making the smoothies.  It took a lot of work and a little bit of ingredients but we got there.

We had a lot of fun making smoothies in my kitchen but less favorite part was cleaning the mess up afterwards. We decided to make smoothies because we were bored and thought that it would be easy to make and fun.  We got our ingredients from Why Knot, we had $6 each and got individual things.  Iron got two Vanilla ice creams Josephine got 3 drinks and Tiger sticks and I got chocolate sauce and bananas.

Here is a clip of how we made smoothies and it was a fun weekend.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

#My Awesome Weekend!

In the weekend i had my friends Josephine and Iron come over to my house. On Saturday we went to the Otara markets as well as Sylvia Park shopping Mall. The first thing we did was go to the Otara markets as we were there we saw a stage full of break dancers and then saw Vinnie from Shortland Street, his real name is Pua Magasiva.  We also saw KJ Apa and decided to take a photo.

Josephine and Iron were sooo excited but I didn't really want to take a picture. After we took a photo and watched a little bit of the break dancers we went to grab something to eat.  Me and Josephine had a steak and egg roll while Iron had a bacon and egg roll.  The steak and egg roll tasted soooo good!!

After the market we went to the WHY KNOT shop to get some things.  We got some ice cream, chocolate wafers and other ingredients because we decided to make smoothies.   When we returned home we made our smoothies.  In our smoothies we put slices of banana, 300ml of milk, 100ml of chocolate sauce and 4 tablespoons of ice cream into a blender.  It tasted beautiful.

After all of that we then dropped Josephine and Iron back to their homes after taking heaps of photos to share with you all.  I had a great weekend.

Hannah T signing off…….. BYE

#Tapa Design!! ^.~

For the past few weeks, my class and I were creating Island designs onto a piece of brown paper. The Island design we were contributing to make is called, a Tapa design. The Tapa design is from the Island, Tonga.

The materials you may need are:
1: Brown paper
2: A Pencil
3: Crayons (Black, Brown or Gold)
4: Brown Dye

I am going to tell you the 3 easy steps of how to make Tapa. First thing you need and do is, get a brown piece of paper and sketch your tongan design. Secondly, you get the crayons (Black, Brown and Gold) and colour in. The final step is, to dye your brown piece of paper. After you have done these three simple steps, your tapa is done!

If you have a group of friends or family attending to do this, you could make a big piece of tapa and have it on your wall to make a display. It’s a lot of fun to make!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

#Athletics Day ^-^ :)

Guess what day it is tomorrow? It's Athletics Day and I'm so excited.  I love athletics day, i love playing with my friends and sitting in the sun.  Athletics day is when all Pt England participate in an event that is held in our school fields.  All the students compete in different groups from their Years and genders.

For athletics day there are different kinds of activities we compete in.  The games are High Jump, 100m sprints, Javelin, Shot put and discus. My favorite sports are Shot put, discus and Javelin. The ones that I'm not so excited about are 100m sprints and high jump.

For each competition there is a ranking of first, second and third that go towards your House points and you go to compete in the Inter zone competition against heaps of schools.  This year I will be competing in Shot put, discus, Javelin and high jump.  At the end of the day we have relays for students, teachers and parents.  Sometimes these are funny and other times they can get really serious.

I'm in Te Arawa and we are REDZ!!!!! I don't really mind if we lose because Matatua House win every year.  All the best to all the students.

Hannah T signing outtt….. BYYYYYEEEE

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

#Maniakalani Film Festival!!! ^-^

Every year all maniakalani schools get together and contribute in an event that is called Maniakalni Film Festival. Maniakalani Film Festival is when all Manikalani schools make movies about anything! For each movie there are 2 presenters, so for my classes movie, Anamei and I are the presenters! I Can't wait!

My classes movie is about the quote "Your Attitude determains you altittude" This would be my second year presenting, as you might know I had presented last year with my friend Sela. I had alot of fun making our movie this year.

I can't wait to present in front of different schools. This video below is the movie we made last year for Maniakalani =p Embarrassing.

Friday, 7 November 2014

#Color Wheel!! =F

This here is a color wheel that I had created on goggle draw. I was learning about Primary colours, Tertiary colours and secondary colours. It was a lot of fun learning about them!

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

#Going 2 The Museum!!! =)

A couple of days ago, the year 7’s went on a trip while the year 8’s had gone to camp. We went to the Museum. As you all know, the topic for this term is “ Art Attack” so we went to go and see the Pacific and Maori art gallery.

As soon as we got to the museum, we all scattered around the place in our little groups and with our elder leaders. I was with my friend Jennifer as well as other kids, our leader was Miss Paget. We also got a piece of paper that had activitys like, drawing a piece of art in the Pacific gallery or drawing a kowhaiwhai pattern in the maori gallery. The first section we went to was, the pacific gallery.

The pacific gallery was amazing. There were Cook Island patterns, Niuean patterns all kinds pacific patterns and they were just beautiful. The pattern I decided to draw was a niuean pattern. The next gallery we went to was the maori gallery.

We spent the whole day at the museum, and it was soo fun. My favourite part was going into the volcanic section. I finished my piece of paper by drawing a kowhaiwhai pattern from the marai.