Today for homework, I was given the chance to play, Math Whizz and Xtramath. I haven't played the programs for quite a while, so I was still getting use to it. I was excited to play because I wanted to get a head start for as many points I could get. My highlight was getting a head start before the girls and getting more points.

As you may know, I haven't played Xtramath all this year, so I finally got the chance too. I was still trying to remember the answers for the questions, but I slowly got there. My highlight was, giving it ago and trying again and again .
Nooooo! Dang , I nearly beat my highest score. This time I didn't replay over and over again just to beat my highest score. No, I just played once and was actually really surprised about my score. My highlight was trying to beat my high score, but didn't.
HannahT ✌
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