Monday, 10 February 2014

Gardening with my Grandpa

Parking up in Bunnings, I asked my papa " What are we getting?". As my grandpa was getting out of the car, he quickly said "Plants for the garden" When he was walking off, I was quietly moaning "Oh no, we're gardening."

While my nana and I were waiting, I was looking out for my grandpa. Finally I saw his white T-shirt through the glass window. As he was walking up to the car, I saw him holding seven plants in both of his hands. " Gosh! You took about an hour just to get 7 plants".  My Papa said that it wasn't his fault because there was a good sale going on. So off we went heading back home into the garden.

"Dig! Dig!" My grandpas was shouting at me. "I am!" I said with a sweaty face. As I finished digging, my grandpa quickly poured water in the hole and placed the cabbage plant in there. "Ok. Next one." My grandpa finally says with a calm voice. " Can we have a break now?" I say with a big smile. " No! Only 7 more to go!" My grandpa says with a red face.

As I finished the last seven, I quickly went for a shower because I had dirt everywhere. My highlight was hanging out and gardening with my grandpa.

This is Hannah T signing out.


  1. You will get a lot of satisfaction watching the plants grow and then harvesting your hard work. Gardening is a great skill to have. You will always have fresh vegetables for dinner. I am sure your grandpa enjoyed having you help him. Great piece of writing Hannah. I can visualise you working hard in the garden.

  2. "Hello" hannah,
    That was a great piece of writing you got there I like reading it because It made me laugh how you had to dig a whole for the plants. Keep up the great work hannah.

  3. Hi Miss Paget and Asena! Thanks for coming on my blog and commenting!

    From HannahT (Your student and friend)
