As you may know, Glen Innes has a new building called, Te Oro. Te Oro is placed between, the police station and the G.I library. Te Oro is a place for people who love performing arts to show off their talents. There is a recording studio, dance studio, drama studio, etc. As you know, I love to sing, so I decided to sign up for two workshops. The workshops were called, Beats And Pieces and Vocal Classes. I signed up with my aunty Ruisa.
“Beats And Pieces” is about how you could make beats for producing your own music. We used a similar program to Garageband. The project we had to do, was to make our own beat and try to put some lyrics into the beat to make it a little song. I had a lot of fun making beats and listening to other beats to. My highlight was learning new stuff and meeting new people. My lowlight was being the only girls.
“Vocal Classes” is about learning the proper way to warm up your vocals. I learn’t alot of ways of warming up my vocals. We learn’t about, what helps to get some confidence in your high pitched voice and what helps you on how to be confident in your low voice. All the warm ups helped me get control of my voice and also getting better with my soprano harmony's for my church band. I had loads of fun learning about what helps your vocals and the important parts of warming up and singing. My highlight was learning more things about singing. My lowlight was that the lesson was only 1 hour!
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